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The Last Bus

Artikelnummer: 9781783224258 Categorie:

11.50 incl tax

ISBN: 9781783224258

Auteur: Johan van Caeneghem

Serie: Crossroads

Niveau: A2




Daniel is partying with his football team. He is having a great time, but he has to catch the last bus home. Joe is too busy dancing with a girl, so Daniel has to take the bus alone. He is so tired that he falls asleep and is woken up by the driver when he reaches the bus at the garage. How is he supposed to get home now? No more buses are going so he has to ride with someone, Daniel thought. Fortunately, someone gives him a lift, and as they drive past a bus shelter on the way, they meet no one but his friend Joe, shivering in the cold!

Crossroads is a series of graphic novels. Based on real-life stories, each title features colourful, high-quality graphic designs and a very modern design.

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