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The Turn of the Screw

Artikelnummer: 9780237541101 Categorie:

6.9012.50 incl tax

ISBN: 9780237541101

Serie: Essential Classics

Auteur: Pauline Francis

Niveau: B1/B2

Geschikt voor

HAVO leerlingen vanaf leerjaar 4

VWO leerlingen vanaf leerjaar 3

Pagina’s 44

With color illustrations!



Henry James’ classic horror novel sees a young, inexperienced governess is charged with the care of Miles and Flora, two small children abandoned by their uncle at his grand country house. She sees the figure of an unknown man on the tower and his face at the window. It is Peter Quint, the master’s dissolute valet, and he has come for little Miles. But Peter Quint is dead…

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Essential Classics