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Oliver Twist

Artikelnummer: 9781783220144 Categorie:

6.9012.50 incl tax

ISBN: 9781783220144

Serie: Graphics Dickens

Auteur: Hilary Burningham

Niveau: B1

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havo onderbouw

Pagina’s 72

Black and white illustrations



Read the story of the orphan Oliver, who runs away from the workhouse only to be taken in by a den of thieves and gets caught up in the dark criminal underworld of London.

Graphic Dickens is a new series of favourite Dickens titles retold in graphic format, with speech bubbles and a simplified text. Ideal for drawing in readers who struggle with Dickens in the original form. The titles in this series use all the drama and excitement of the comic whilst introducing the storylines and characters from the Dickens stories.

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Graphics Dickens