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16 & Pregnant

Artikelnummer: 9781783226467 Categorie:

ISBN: 9781783226467

Serie: Reality Bites

Auteur: Marian Hoefnagel

Niveau: B1

Geschikt voor

Voor jongeren van 12 tot 15 jaar

HAVO/VWO leerjaar 2/3

Pagina’s 104

Dit product is momenteel niet op voorraad.



Esther is curled up on the sofa in front of the living room window. The view outside is beautiful. But Esther doesn’t pay any attention to it. She’s too busy thinking. About Joe.
Her birthday had been so romantic. They danced together to
one of her favourite pop songs. They kissed in the hallway.
Then they snuck upstairs, to her room.

16 & Pregnant is a story about Esther. On her 16th birthday, Esther gets pregnant. With Joe, the coolest boy in school. What now? Isn’t she too young to have a baby? And what will Joe think of her when he hears she’s pregnant? To try
and find the answers to all her questions, she stays with her grandmother for a few days. Maybe Grandma’s wise words will help her make the right decision.

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Reality Bites