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Henry V

Artikelnummer: 9781783221011 Categorie: Tag:

12.50 incl tax


ISBN: 9781783221011

Auteur: Hilary Burningham

Illustraties: Gary Andrews

Niveau: A2

Serie: Graphic Shakespeare




Henry V is the most famous and influential of Shakespeare’s history plays. Its powerful patriotic rhetoric has resounded down the ages. Henry himself, astute and charismatic, who led his ‘band of brothers’ to victory in the Battle of Agincourt, could indeed seem to be ‘this star of England’.

The titles in the Graphic Shakespeare series are an ideal introduction to Shakespeare’s plays, but can equally well be used as revision aids. The main characters and key events are brought to life in the simplified story and dramatic pictures, and the short extracts from the original play focus on key speeches in Shakespeare’s language. A portrait gallery of key characters provides an easy reference and difficult words are explained in on-the-page glossaries.

An Audio Book and Teachers Book accompany this title, please contact your School Representative for more information.

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Graphic Shakespeare

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Graphic Shakespeare