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Eject, eject, eject

Artikelnummer: 9781783220519 Categorie:

11.50 incl tax

ISBN: 9781783220519

Auteur: Dee Phillips

Serie: Right now

Niveau: A2




Suddenly, we saw a missile.
It was heading straight for us.
A heat-seeking missile!
We were under attack.
A young fighter pilot is lost in the Afghan desert, waiting for help and trying not to be captured by the enemy. As the story continues, in a flashback, he tells us about the mission gone wrong and how his plane was shot down by the enemy, forcing him to be thrown out of his aircraft cabin.
An easy-to-read book written in level A2 for young reluctant readers.
If you enjoyed Eject, try the other Right Now books!

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Right Now

Right Now

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Right Now, Right Now!