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A Tale of Two Cities

Artikelnummer: 9780237540982 Categorie:

6.9012.50 incl tax

ISBN: 9780237540982

Serie: Essential Classics

Auteur: Pauline Francis

Niveau: B1/B2

Geschikt voor

HAVO leerlingen vanaf leerjaar 4

VWO leerlingen vanaf leerjaar 3

Pagina’s 48

With color illustrations!



A Tale of Two Cities is Dickens’ tale of London and Paris leading up to, and during, the dramatic upheavals of the French Revolution. After being released from Bastille prison, Doctor Manette is reunited with his daughter, Lucie, in London. When Lucie falls in love with and marries a French émigré, terrors return to haunt the family as France suffers the convulsions of revolution.

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Essential Classics