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Artikelnummer: 9781783225149 Categorie:

6.0011.50 incl tax

ISBN: 9781783225149

Serie: Yesterday’s Voices

Auteur: Dee Phillips

Niveau: A2

Geschikt voor

vmbo onderbouw

Pagina’s 48

Full color illustrations



My nostrils are filled with smoke. Blood from the wound on my shoulder covers my arm and hand. But I cannot think about that. All I can think of is what is before me. I force open the trunk with my knife. I cannot believe my eyes. Gold and silver coins. Pearls and emeralds. I laugh like a crazy man. Now I am one of them. Now I am a pirate…InPirate, life aboard a 17th century pirate ship sailing the Caribbean is described by a young pirate in all its gruesome detail!

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Yesterday’s Voices