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On my Way

Artikelnummer: 9781783224289 Categorie:

6.9011.50 incl tax

ISBN: 9781783224289

Serie: Crossroads

Auteur: Mirjam Eppinga

Niveau: A1/A2

Geschikt voor

Kinderen van 12 tot 15 jaar


Pagina’s 56



Davey is crazy about cars and wants to be a mechanic. He wants to take driving lessons but that means he needs to get a part-time job to pay for them. First he gets a job as a waiter, but he breaks all the glasses and spills drinks over the customers. Then he gets a paper round, but he forgets to deliver the newspapers to some of the customers on his round! He gets fired from every new job he takes. But then he sees an ad – help needed at a bicycle repair shop. Will this be the first job he’ll be able to keep?

Crossroads is a fast-moving series of graphic novels. Based on real-life events, each title contains colourful high-impact graphics and cutting-edge design.

Ideal for readers who may find traditional teen novels too daunting.

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